Office of The State Attorney, 12th Judicial Circuit, Florida
Serving the Citizens of Sarasota, Manatee, and DeSoto Counties
Office of The State Attorney, 12th Judicial Circuit, Florida


Seal and Expunge

The following information is to assist you when applying to have your case sealed or expunged…

You will need the seal/expunge packet which can be downloaded from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement’s website. You may also call FDLE’s Expunge Section in Tallahassee at 850-410-7870 to request the form and instructions.

When you have obtained the Application for Certification of Eligibility, complete all of the requested information in “Section A”, then sign the form in front of a notary. Send the application along with a self addressed stamped envelope to the appropriate State Attorney’s Office listed below, to have “Section B” completed. Once “Section B” is completed, the application will be mailed back to you.

Follow the instructions from the information packet to submit the application and other necessary documentation to FDLE to receive your certificate.

See section 943.0585, Florida Statutes, for expunctions and section 943.059, Florida Statutes, for sealings.

Sarasota County Cases

State Attorney’s Office
2071 Ringling Blvd. Suite 400
Sarasota, FL 34237

Manatee County Cases

State Attorney’s Office
P.O. Box 1000
Bradenton, FL 34206

DeSoto County Cases

State Attorney’s Office
DeSoto Co. Courthouse
115 East Oak St., Third Floor,
Arcadia, FL 34266